A Beginners Guide to Wave Management in LoL

A Beginners Guide to Wave Management in LoL

Wave management is a vital skill to develop in League of Legends. It's a strategy that ultimately helps a player progress through the rankings. Becoming a successful wave manager gives a player greater control over the entire game.

What is Wave Management?

The champions of LoL are aided by minions. They are essentially dispensable troops that operate in a style similar to trench warfare. Minions spawn in successive waves throughout a game at thirty second intervals. Six minions appear in standard waves. Every cannon wave contains one extra minion. Players who learn to manage these waves give themselves greater opportunities to accumulate gold and purchase more weaponry. In addition, managing waves of minions helps secure lanes and destroy enemies.

How to Manage Waves of Minions

Once a player becomes adept at wave management the minions can be put to beneficial use. Successful organization enables a player to leave minion waves to act unsupervised. They can easily control lanes and set themselves the challenge of destroying an enemy's fortified turret. This strategy works remarkably well when a team is on hand to distract the opposition. Players can locate their army of minions on their battle map. There are several strategies that can be used in wave management.

1. Pushing

This is the easiest wave management tactic to master. Minions perform at their best when players guide them to a mid lane position. They can often act with great speed to kill enemies, destroy turrets and accumulate large amounts of gold.

2. Freezing

This wave management tactic requires a cool nerve. A player uses waves of minions to obstruct an enemy's path. It can be an effective way to ambush and kill enemies when on a mission to destroy a turret. Some players choose to set a champion as a guard to protect minions. This can be a high-risk strategy as it can often reduce the champion's own power.

3. Stacking

Allowing waves of minions to build up only takes a minute or two, but it's a powerful effect. A large minion wave is intimidating and can be used to storm a turret, block jungle pathways and kill enemies.

4. Bouncing

Players are bouncing when their minion waves outnumber the enemy. If they are mid lane they'll be relatively easy to control. Through weight of numbers they can force the enemy back inside the turret, where they'll inevitably be killed.


Successful wave management leads to improved strategy and increased resources. With efficient timing a wave manager can use minions to find gold, then quickly recall them to prevent an enemy recapturing it. Wave management adds an interesting layer of complex strategy to a player's game. It also helps secure weaponry and improved rankings. Check out www.1337pro.com/en/lol/tournament-schedule to find out when expert League of Legends wave managers are in action.

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