The js13kGames competition will have an anniversary this year – its thirteenth edition will happen in two months from now, as usual on August 13th. Over the past years indie web game developers built and submitted more than thirteen hundred tiny entries packed into a 13 kb zip packages.
js13kGames is a JavaScript coding competition for Web Game Developers running yearly since 2012. The fun part of the compo is the file size limit set to 13 kilobytes. The competition will start at 13:00 CEST, 13th August and end at 13:00 CEST, 13th September 2024. Theme will be announced on August 13th.
You can expect cool experts, plenty of prizes, fancy t-shirts, and as always lots of fun.
HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher. Mozilla Tech Speaker, Gamedev.js community firestarter. Organizes meetups / workshops / hackathons in Poland, passionate about new, Open Web technologies, excited about WebXR and PWAs. Likes eating sushi and playing Neuroshima Hex.