OP Guild × Arcadia: upload your game and win cash prizes!

The newly formed OP Guild is bringing you the very first collaboration: with its own sister publishing platform, Arcadia!

Arcadia.fun is the home for OP Guild members where they can showcase their games – whether created as part of any game jam or competition, or entirely independently. That’s why to kickstart its creation the Guild is running a small challenge:

Bring your game to Arcadia and win 1500 USDC!

The challenge starts now and will run till the end of June – any game submitted and accepted into the Arcadia platform will be eligible. The jury from OP Games will pick three entries they enjoyed playing the most and award each developer with 500 USDC, winners will be announced at the beginning of July.

You don’t even need to have any web3 functionalities implemented, we can help with integrating those afterwards if you’re interested. The Guild is first of all a movement to gather indie web game developers, exchange ideas, and support each other. We plan on introducing partnerships in the near future that will help monetize your games as well, so keep your eyes on the Guild if this sounds interesting.

If you have any questions or issues uploading your game to Arcadia, then make sure to join OP Guild channel in the OP Games Discord server, and follow OP Guild on Twitter/X for updates.

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