Grant for the Web

Here are the winners of the Gamedev.js Jam 2022 – congratulations to the best teams and all who participated! We had a record-breaking 799 participants who joined on Itch, 95 games submitted, and 1701 ratings cast. Thanks to all the developers who voted on each other’s creations! Below you can…Read…
Right now, on April 13th 2022 at 5 PM CEST the third yearly online competition, Gamedev.js Jam 2022, begins! You have exactly 13 days (up until April 26th) to create a Web game on a given theme (revealed at the bottom of this post) and submit it through to…Read…
Third edition of Gamedev.js Jam (started in 2020), and second one with the Web Monetization category, will run online between April 13th and 26th 2022. Similar to last year, we will have cash prizes for best entries – a total of $1000 to be given away to top5 games. Plus…Read…
After a whole month of gathering responses, and a week of preparing results, we’re happy to publish the report containing answers to 26 questions submitted by 437 developers. We at Enclave Games were wondering what tools and technologies people use to develop web games, how much do they earn, what…Read…
You’re encouraged to take part in the survey – it should take no more than 5-10 minutes, and will help us evaluate the current state of HTML5 Game Development. It’s open between February 18th and March 18th 2021, and we plan on sharing the results publicly a week later, on…Read…
After the Defold game engine that was recently awarded with the grant, now another web gamedev company is getting the support from the same source – Enclave Games. We’re excited to announce that we were awarded a grant from the Grant for the Web program to focus on exploring Web…Read…
Another news about the Defold game engine. After moving from King to its dedicated Foundation and publishing their source code on GitHub, Defold now acquired Grant for the Web support to explore Web Monetization. Web Monetization is an exciting new and non-intrusive way for game developers to monetize their creations…Read…
If you remember MozFest Arcade from October 2019, then it won’t be any surprise that Mozilla is joining forces with Coil and starting to openly experiment with Web Monetization via Coil accounts. After all, the three companies behind Grant for the Web are Coil, Mozilla, and Creative Commons. In the…Read…

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