Enclave Games

Fabric.js, a simple and powerful Javascript HTML5 Canvas library, recently released its version 6.0. Fabric provides interactive object model on top of Canvas element, and has SVG-to-Canvas (and Canvas-to-SVG) parser. This brings back memories as I’ve made something called Falsy Values Fabric Tetris back in 2011, which was a Tetris…Read…
The overall winners of Gamedev.js Jam 2024 were announced yesterday, and now we’re publishing the rankings of all four Challenges – if you participated in any of them, check out your standings below. Open Source Challenge by GitHub Build it with Phaser Challenge by Phaser Studio NPC Challenge by OP…Read…
Our fifth yearly edition of Gamedev.js Jam is over – let’s announce the overall winners picked by developers who submitted their entries! The 2024 edition ended up with 2790 devs joined on Itch, 238 games submitted, and 6050 ratings cast. Thank you to every single one who participated! Here’s the…Read…
The Gamedev.js Jam 2024, fifth yearly edition of an online competition for web game developers, starts NOW! You have exactly thirteen days (between April 13th and 26th) to build an entry (solo or in a team) on a given theme (announced just below) and submit it through Itch to win…Read…
This year’s Gamedev.js Jam starting April 13th will have four optional Challenges with extra prizes, and this time you won’t be able to go for ALL of them, since using Phaser and squeezing your entry into a 13 kilobyte zip package are mutually exclusive, but there should be a lot…Read…
After the Defold game engine that was recently awarded with the grant, now another web gamedev company is getting the support from the same source – Enclave Games. We’re excited to announce that we were awarded a grant from the Grant for the Web program to focus on exploring Web…Read…
The new Discover page on the Coil website is now featuring the Gaming section, where you can find various resources on game development projects utilizing Web Monetization API. This includes both Enclave Games and js13kGames websites, along with Flood Escape and Back 2 Back games specifically. We just rolled out…Read…
Our Flood Escape game was updated with the newest addition – Winter level. Yes, you can be flooded with water when there’s plenty of snow and ice around, because it’s a magical place where physics work selectively according to the author’s sheer will. Read more about it at dev.end3r.com.
I’ve written a summarizing blog post about all my gamedev-related activities around Enclave Games which include js13kGames, Gamedev.js, Gamedev.js Weekly, and a few other things. Trying to build some games, giving talks, focusing on specific topics like Web Monetization, and such, also plans for 2020. Read the article at dev.end3r.com
The new NSHex Counter application is available for free to all those who play Neuroshima Hex board game, especially if you participate in the Championships. NSHex Counter is not even a game, but rather an app built using a game framework (Phaser v3 to be exact). It’s a highly specialized…Read…

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