The fifth yearly edition of Gamedev.js Jam ended yesterday – you had 13 days between April 13th and 26th to build a web game following the theme POWER and submit it through Itch. We ultimately ended up with 238 entries, which is our overall record!
Check out the full list at
If you participated: thank you and congratulations! Now you can play other people’s games and rate them. Vote for as many of the entries as you can, since Itch will promote games with good Karma (number of votes sent versus number of votes received).
If you haven’t participated, that’s still ok – you can play the games nonetheless and provide valuable feedback to your fellow devs while having fun, so go ahead and see which entries might end up as your favourites!
The voting will end May 9th, with the overall winners being announced the next day on May 10th, and results of the extra challenges (picked by dedicated experts) published on May 11th.
HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher. Mozilla Tech Speaker, Gamedev.js community firestarter. Organizes meetups / workshops / hackathons in Poland, passionate about new, Open Web technologies, excited about WebXR and PWAs. Likes eating sushi and playing Neuroshima Hex.
Thank End3r and friends for hosting this fun event, I have had a fantastic time playing all the games from this jam. For this game jam I learned how to do an online leaderboard, how to open source using GitHub, and how to alter materials within Unity. Overall it was a great experience and I am looking forward to more jams from gamedev.js ⚡️
Hey, so happy to know you enjoyed it, thank you!