The Game7 community is organizing their very first Game Jam, along with the help from Rensa Games. It will offer three Challenges: Mouse-only madness, Web 2.5 gaming, and Swap it, with the total prize pool of $9000, and will run for two weeks between February 17th and March 2nd.
Although smart contracts will be used to run the game jam, this competition is for everyone, even if you’ve never interacted with a smart contract before. Each of the three challenges requires a different level of experience with blockchain technology – including one challenge that requires no prior knowledge of Web3. This is a great opportunity to learn about new technology while sticking to a familiar development setting.
Check out Game7 announcement and visit Rensa Games landing page for more details if you’re interested in joining!
HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher. Mozilla Tech Speaker, Gamedev.js community firestarter. Organizes meetups / workshops / hackathons in Poland, passionate about new, Open Web technologies, excited about WebXR and PWAs. Likes eating sushi and playing Neuroshima Hex.