Athena Crisis, a modern retro turn-based strategy game that was built with Web technologies by Christoph Nakazawa and is available in an Early Access on Steam, goes Open Source.
Today we’re open-sourcing the code of Athena Crisis under the MIT License, and together with Polar we’re funding $10,000 worth of improvements towards the game!
This is a bold move which hopefully will drive growth of the game itself, especially because of the fund that can sponsor developers fixing bugs and adding content. Check out the repository on GitHub (with almost 700 stars already) and a dedicated landing page for more details.
HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher. Mozilla Tech Speaker, Gamedev.js community firestarter. Organizes meetups / workshops / hackathons in Poland, passionate about new, Open Web technologies, excited about WebXR and PWAs. Likes eating sushi and playing Neuroshima Hex.