Gamedev.js Jam 2021: best entries from Web Monetization and Decentralized categories

After the overall results that were announced two days ago, which were voted among you, the developers themselves, now is the time to share the results of experts judging two extra categories: Web Monetization and Decentralized.

The first one was all about the interesting, clever, or original ways of implementing the Web Monetization API, while the other focused on using any of the Web 3 technologies, but if you did use Protocol Labs resources (IPFS, Filecoin, etc) or the NEAR Protocol ones, you could win a solid amount of coins. Plus there was also the Paras challenge to build a card game that could end up in their marketplace, which offered cash.

Make sure to check the feedback from our lovely experts (Web Monetization: Björn Ritzl, Ania Kubów, Nathan Lie, Ewa Mazur, Abiyasa Suhardi, and Joep van Duinen; Decentralized: Paul Gadi, Dietrich Ayala, Johnny Matthews, Austin Griffith, Aliaksandr ‘Sasha’ Hudzilin, Vlad Grichina, and Rahmat ‘Riqi’ Albariqi): it is as valuable, if not even more, as the prizes. We were lucky enough to get a good amount of comments on every single entry, which don’t happen too often.

Thanks again for participating! Please be patient about the prizes, I’ll email all the details and instructions in the next few days. While you’ll be waiting for those, and thinking about Gamedev.js Jam 2022, make sure to check the js13kGames 2021 that will happen in August!

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