We’ve published the results of the Gamedev.js Survey 2023 that was conducted about a month ago, at the end of 2023. We’ve received a total of 491 filled surveys, which is an all-time record (437 in 2021 and 338 in 2022), even though the time frame for collecting the answers was shorter than usual!
The Survey itself got bigger and better thanks to our lovely community, via GitHub: answers to some questions were updated, and new ones added, so we ended up with 35 optional questions total. We were also able to compensate those active community members for their efforts thanks to the support we’ve received from Poki!
One of the changes included adding the lowest option when earning money – absolutely nothing.
Extracting “0” from last year’s “<$1k" was a good decision, although with rather sad outcome - majority of people (59,7%) are not earning anything out of game development at all, with only 15,4% earning less than $1000 a year (both add up to ~75%). The rest of the answers were spread more or less evenly, $100k+ taking fifth place with 4,2%.
This does not prevent web game developers from being happy about what they’re doing, another year in a row.
It’s great to see 87% of all the 474 answers being positive about their happines and answering between 6 and 10, with almost half aiming at 8-10. The happiest are 68 people (15,8%), while the most popular answer was 8 (26,2%), and only 4 people (0,8%) answered with 1 (if you did, please get in touch – we’d like to help!).
There are other questions with interesting answers, like which countries were the most popular ones to participate this year, which game engines are the hot picks, or how many developers are using AI to generate graphic assets already.
The full report consists of 35 questions answered by 491 participants, so a lot of information to dig through. Remember that you are free to use any data listed in the report, but please give credit and link to the original source when using it, thanks!
HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher. Mozilla Tech Speaker, Gamedev.js community firestarter. Organizes meetups / workshops / hackathons in Poland, passionate about new, Open Web technologies, excited about WebXR and PWAs. Likes eating sushi and playing Neuroshima Hex.