Bullet Bunny was developed by Penusbmic using GDevelop game engine – you can play the demo on Itch.io and buy the full game on Steam.
Twin-stick shooter with rogue-like elements. Fend off an onslaught of enemies, level up, and create unique builds every run while trying to survive 500 seconds.
The game was inspired by Vampire Survivors, and is another Web creation available on Steam, like the previously mentioned Athena Crisis, CosmoPirates, and Earth’s Greatest Defender.
HTML5 Game Developer, Enclave Games indie studio founder, js13kGames competition creator and Gamedev.js Weekly newsletter publisher. Mozilla Tech Speaker, Gamedev.js community firestarter. Organizes meetups / workshops / hackathons in Poland, passionate about new, Open Web technologies, excited about WebXR and PWAs. Likes eating sushi and playing Neuroshima Hex.