Melon Gaming gamedev contest

Melon Gaming GameDev contest is a competition where all game enthusiast develop a game by using melonJS engine to be deployed to Facebook Instant Games. The event will be held virtually and we aim to reach all of the game developers around the world to join this prestigious contest.

Introducing Oculus Quest, our first 6DOF All-in-one VR system

OC5, we announced Oculus Quest, our first all-in-one VR gaming system. Offering six degrees of freedom and Touch controllers for true hand presence, Oculus Quest will launch in Spring 2019 for $399 USD. In past years, we’ve shown you the Santa Cruz prototype, a milestone on the path to Oculus…

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Swiss football fans protest esports by throwing tennis balls and controllers onto pitch

A Swiss Super League match between Young Boys and FC Basel over the weekend was interrupted by protests against the growing influence of esports on Swiss football teams, with fans throwing tennis balls and a PS4 controller onto the pitch.

Build a HTML5 game like Magick using Phaser and Arcade physics

It’s a pity you can’t play Magick anymore because it was a fun game, but unfortunately it was probably one of the victims of 32 bits apocalypse. It was a retro platformer featuring a mage called Oz which walks and jumps by himself, but you can summon a crate, but…

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Performance-Tuning a WebVR Game

For the past couple of weeks, I have been working on a VR version of one of my favorite puzzle games, the Nonogram, also known as Picross or Griddlers. These are puzzles where you must figure out which cells in a grid are colored in by using column and row…

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Alphabet Backs GitLab’s Quest to Surpass Microsoft’s GitHub

GitLab Inc., a platform for sharing and collaborating on code, said it raised $100 million to expand its suite of tools as it fights for market share with with Microsoft Corp.’s GitHub.

Mozilla’s Firefox Reality web browser is now available

Firefox Reality is a browser built entirely for virtual reality. While you may have read about desktop Firefox or Chrome adding WebVR support, Firefox Reality is a web browser that you actually use entirely inside a VR headset. You can visit URLs, search things and otherwise browse the 2D and…

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Understanding frame based vs time based games

Normally, when you build a game, there is a routine which is called at each frame which updates the content to display. Think about a platformer, with characters moving at each frame. Those characters have a speed, and they move towards a direction by a certain amount of pixels every…

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Cocoon 3.0.0 is out

We have addressed a couple of things that were bugging most of you lately: the Google PlayStore API Level requirements and the issues with the GDPR in some Cocoon plugins.

How Donut County survived the Clone Wars

What happens when another game steals your pitch? Donut County developer Ben Esposito faced this question back in June, when a friend showed him a familiar-looking mobile game: ‘’. The problem was, Donut County was still months from release, while this clone had seemingly replicated the central mechanic – in…

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