Claim our POAP – Proof of Attendance for Gamedev.js Jam 2022

If you’re into Web3 you might already know what a POAP is. If you don’t – the short answer is the abbreviation of it: Proof of Attendance Protocol. It is an online protocol carrying an information about you attending an event, physically or virtually. Something like a digital ticket for…

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Best entries from Web Monetization and Decentralized categories, challenges, and expert feedback

Overall results (calculated from your own votes) were announced yesterday, and today is the time to publish the winners from: Web Monetization category Decentralized category NEAR challenge IPFS challenge MPL challenge Expert feedback Web Monetization category 1. Dwarf Workday 2. Untamed Lands 3. IT’S TOO RAW! 4. Clash of Cuisine…

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Gamedev.js Jam 2022 winners announced!

Here are the winners of the Gamedev.js Jam 2022 – congratulations to the best teams and all who participated! We had a record-breaking 799 participants who joined on Itch, 95 games submitted, and 1701 ratings cast. Thanks to all the developers who voted on each other’s creations! Below you can…

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Hosting Decentralized Jam entries

If you participated in Gamedev.js Jam‘s Decentralized category last year you already know that limits the basic capabilities of such entries (which are embedded in an iframe) to a point that to be able to connect to a crypto wallet you have to host your game somewhere else. The…

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Gamedev.js Jam 2022 start and theme announcement!

Right now, on April 13th 2022 at 5 PM CEST the third yearly online competition, Gamedev.js Jam 2022, begins! You have exactly 13 days (up until April 26th) to create a Web game on a given theme (revealed at the bottom of this post) and submit it through to…

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Gamedev.js Jam’s 2022 Decentralized Challenge: MPL

The third Decentralized Challenge (after NEAR and IPFS) in Gamedev.js Jam 2022 is MPL – align your entry with the Martian Premier League Universe and win a total of 3250 USDC plus two Genesis Character NFTs. What does it mean “align with the MPL” in this case? Create something that…

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Gamedev.js Jam 2022 with Web Monetization category again

Third edition of Gamedev.js Jam (started in 2020), and second one with the Web Monetization category, will run online between April 13th and 26th 2022. Similar to last year, we will have cash prizes for best entries – a total of $1000 to be given away to top5 games. Plus…

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Gamedev.js Jam’s 2022 partnership: 4EVERLAND

4EVERLAND is a Web3 cloud computing platform. As a partner of Gamedev.js Jam 2022, 4EVERLAND sets up 2 rewards. Deploy your front end on IPFS via 4EVERLAND to win the 4EVERLAND business plan for 6 months. 4EVERLAND will choose the best 3 participants. Fill out the application form, 4EVERLAND will…

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Gamedev.js Jam’s 2022 Decentralized Challenge: IPFS/Filecoin

The second Decentralized Challenge (after NEAR) in Gamedev.js Jam 2022 is IPFS/Filecoin – build your entry using any of the Protocol Labs technology and win $FIL coins. A total pool worth ~$5000 will be distributed among the top5 best entries taking on this challenge. Protocol Labs (IPFS, Filecoin, libp2p) starter…

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Gamedev.js Jam’s 2022 Decentralized Challenge: NEAR

The first Decentralized Challenge in Gamedev.js Jam 2022 is NEAR – build your entry using NEAR Protocol‘s technology and win $NEAR coins. A total pool worth ~$5000 will be distributed among the top5 best entries taking on this challenge. NEAR Protocol starter pack: NEAR Academy, Getting Started docs, and Examples…

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